Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Has anyone been to a High Risk Specialist?

With my second we had to go to a specialist because my daughter had a single umbilical artery. They saw this during my ultrasound and sometimes the SUA can be indicative of certain trisomy disorders, like down syndrome. I had to get additional ultra-sounds where they measured different parts of the baby's body because they have found that children with down syndrome can have different measurements throughout their body, I think primarily back of neck and with the nose somewhere. I can't remember. I also had to get a fetal EKG because there could have been issues with her heart that the SUA is a sign of. I had to go back every month for a non-stress test and near the end I had to go every week and they also would do additional ultrasounds to check on amniotic fluid and make sure that the baby was moving the way she was suppose to be. After all was said and done my daughter was 100% healthy, the SUA can mean something or it can mean nothing, which I'm assuming is the case with you too seeing as your dr. told you not to worry about the baby. I was nervous too going into that whole situation because they tell you that something might be off then you have to wait to go be seen. Also be prepared for them to give you a spiel about your "options." Even though all signs pointed to my daughter being fine, the still made us see a genetic counsel via a computer screen no less, who told us about abortion. :( Which was completely unnecessary.

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