Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Is failure genetic? My mother has been a bum all of my life; does this mean I inherited her "issues"?

My mother has been a failure for a long time, for all of my life for sure and it's a long story but she is also mentally and emotionally unstable, drug addicted (heroin/methadone/pills), prone to irrational aggression, doesn't make any sense sometimes (her brain function is off), poverty stricken, divorced 3 times, pretty much dying from all her medical problems, can't quit smoking, been in prison twice, hangs out with the most low class people, she's even held signs, pan handled and been a prostitute, her appearance has seen way better days. She's only 54. She's just so negative and has such a loser mentality. I feel like I am more prone to being like this too because I am her daughter. I feel genetically screwed.

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