Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My boyfriend is mad at me how should u make him feel better?

so it all started two days ago. after graduation my friends wanted me to go to the club with them just to drink and have fun. its not my first time going to a club and i dont really dance. i thought my boyfriend was going to spend time with his family so i didnt bother on asking him. so after graduation,he texted me asking me what i was doing. i specifically told him that i might meet my girlfriends and party with them and he just replied saying "cool." of course there was something wrong. so i asked him whats wrong and he replied," i know what your girlfriends are going to do and if thats what you want to do than rather be with me then just go." i just told him that i would cancel on them and be with him but he was like no. go. so i got really ticked off cause my girlfriends were getting mad at me for cancelling so i really didnt know what to do at that point. so my friends persuaded me to go so i went with them. my boyfriend thought i was just at home sleeping. and i told him i was because i didnt want him to be having a bum night. so thats what happened. he found out i went and got soooooooooooo mad at me, which i completely understand. and i said sorry and that it was all my fault, but he just kept being so cold to me. the next day my very close guy friend (which he is like 24 years old) just wanted to take me out to eat to congratulate me for graduating. i went. my boyfriend texted me saying "what are you doing" and im never going to lie to him again so i told him where i was at, who i was with, and what i was doing. apparently he got mad because he said " after that incident happening yesterday you go out to eat with this dude and you want to meet me after you eat with him? are you serious?" so thats how that other fight started. WHAT SHOULD I DO PLEASE SOMEBODY??! he doesnt believe my apologies....

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