Saturday, July 23, 2011

How to get rid of chlorine build up/get my curly hair back?

I think that what you need is to wash your hair thoroughly to get out all of the Chlorine out, or perhaps make an appointment with your hairdresser and tell them the problem. Good luck!

I can grasp natural selection, but how can it possibly lead to something like an EYE?

How does a random mutation occur that begins the path toward something like an eye evolving? I just don't understand how that's possible. I can grasp how an eye could change and evolve ONCE IT IS THERE, but what would the first-generation mutation that would lead eventually to an eye be?

Peroxide allergies in dogs?

Peroxide is an antiseptic and also will destroy tissue. I think an antiseptic like bacitracin in a tube would be better, and one of the worst things people can do is medicate animals without checking with the vet.

For all you Genie Einsteins?

Okay so if you rub a Genie lamp a Genie poofs out and says "I grant you three wishes" Say I was to wish for 1. Unlimited Money. 2. For this guy im like obsessed with to fall in love with me and 3. More wishes. Can you ask that one Genie for more wishes? Or is that against "Genie rules"?

Would you be angry in my situation?

No you are not silly! This happens all the time. It really pisses me off too!! Confront your sister and tell her to get it together... to stop being a lazy *** and start working more hours. I think you can report her to her social worker... and they'll start investigating her and why she doesn't or cant find a full time job. My "mother in law" had 12 kids!!! she doesn't work uses the lame excuse that she cant because there will be no one to take care of her kids. Her house is dirty looks like a dump. Roaches everywhere, she doesn't know how to clean or cook. She gets a EBT card which is reloaded every month with a little over 1200 a month... she gets the government to pay her rent.. and she never has money! shes a horrible mother.... a horrible woman... just a terrible person who tries to rip anyone off or borrow money from anyone. Its scandalous. THE BEST SOLUTION is STAY THE HELL away from people like this... SOON ENOUGH they will try to screw you over as ur parents that you are different and you an live on ur own and be responsible and independent. and tell them they shouldnt encourage her or smile upon her lazy ***....theyll get pissed but theyll be proud you are doing it on ur own and your sister will be nothing more than just jealous and bitter for her sorry *** life choices!!! HOPE THIS HELPED.

Why does my eye hurt?

On my left eye I have a little bum form of a like under my skin. It don't hurt when I blink but when is Time to sleep I'm in pain. If I close my eye n touch it u can feel a little ball. My eye is a little swollen Is hard to Tell. Is been a little more than a week. Should I see a doctor or wait? Help!

French's commercial on the onion chicken?

Does anyone else think that the commercial for that french's crunchy onion chicken is just over exaggerated and dumb? Like the kids are all bummed when its dinner time but when Mom goes "French's crunchy onion chicken...!" the kids come running down stairs like its christmas morning. Anyone with me?

Strange lump :/ need advice on what to do :/?

ok its a bit personal this question :( but i sort of noticed a strange small lump on my 'bum hole' as such, at closer inspection it seems to be like a vain or something, i'm not sure, it looks like a vain as it is blue, it seems to have swelled up a bit, its only tiny, no bigger than a pea, its only been there recently, its not uncomfortable or anything, its just weird that its there, i really have no idea what to do :( I'm 15, and don't know whether its anything to be worried about or not, please someone help :( :(

People who criticize evolution, a question for you?

I am aware of all of that, but generally don't get into evolution debates. I focus on abiogenesis seeing as there is absolutely no evidence for it, it has never been observed and it is required for evolution to begin.

Bikini body a bit worried!?

Okay so im going on holidays in a few days but im still not 100% confident in my bikini.. i am 5ft 5, weigh 9stone but my thighs are a bit chunky and i dont like them.. as you know from reading im not the tallest so i always feel stumpy and short..but there are good sides to it too.. yes i have boobs and a bum but thighs annoy me :( anyone else feel this way???

Straightner !! HELP!!?

if you have really dry hair then i suggest parting your hair in small sections so you can get smaller pieces at a time , that way is more effective when u want straight hair ! and my hair's super wavy too, but its not that dry so i go down kind of slowly but not too slow so i dont burn my hair, it also helps getting it straighter:) also if your straightener is old i would suggest getting a new straightener ! haha :)

How do I remove the popcorn from my son's bum without hurting him?

My son is 5 years old and he stuck popcorn up his bum. I'm not sure how deep it is but every time I try to get it he screams in pain. Please tell me how to remove it without him screaming!

Why do people believe the twin towers went down not because of the planes?

Ive heard because the steel could not get hott enough to break as it did without the help of dynamite but the builders proved that wrong, and also the people that constructed the building put together a slideshow of why theres those "poofs" in the sides of the buildings blowing out and saying it was because the levels were breaking and they showed the exact material that was in those corners and did a demonstration of it happening on another building the same way. Just confused why people are needing to blame our government. Gas prices and Oil is higher than ever again? Were will our government strike now? Its the best time since Bin laden died and they can blame it on Al qaeda. Hey u can even blame it on Obama this time and not bush!! Lol moron democrats

Budgie Genetics & Plumage Mutations Experts?

A budgie can carry yellowface without it being visible, just as they can carry opaline, cinnamon, ino and many other mutations. And yes your hen is split for blue. A green budgie who normally has a yellow head anyway can also carry it. Because its a green budgie you wont be able to tell.

My right bicep is alot smaller then the left bicep?

my right bicep is alot smaller than my left people describe it as an awkard muscle or abnormal. my left one is nice and big. ik people say the right one if your a righty is naturally stronger so its gonna be smaller but this is different. I have controll over a muscle in between the bicep and tricep in my right arm and not my left (i think its like if how you can put right/left eyebrow up and the other down but not vice versa so you have control of an extra muscle in your right/left eyebrow) i think its the brachilais part of the bicep or around there. so i think theyre smaler because i use that other muscle before i use my main bicep part. so any way i can even it out or if this is some mutation or whatever?

How do I become a bum?

I'm unwilling to work, I'm unwilling to go to school, and I'm unwilling to stay on my parent's couch.

Is he interested? Best answer 10 points!?

Okay so my best friend,another friend, this guy well call J, and his best friend C and I went out to eat last night and just like last week my best friend said she noticed how he seemed interested in me. First, I was talking about this guy who always tried talking to me even though I dont like him like that and he said to C "competition" but it was so I wasnt supposed to here even though I did. And he kept trying to do staring contests with me since I was sitting across from him at the table. C gave me his number for future plans and J and I texted the whole night, we have nicknames for each other. My best friend said I looked so natural and I made talking to him look so easy. She was kinda bummed that he was talking to me a lot because she thinks he's cute too and I think he may be interested in me?! Help, answers, and suggestions welcome!

Does anyone who know the cell cycle happen to know?

When DNA replication occurs a) whenever a cell makes protein b) to repair gene damage caused by a mutation c) when a cell uses ATP d) before a cell divides e) in the cytoplasm of a eucaryotic cell

How do I get my naturally curly hair to stay curly after I brush it?

Don't brush your hair dry. You aren't supposed to brush curly hair dry. Don't touch your hair after it dries/while it is drying because this will create frizz. I had an afro for a very long time until I learned that. Also, check out for curly hair care tips.

How to change my self fast? help fast :(?

i am a total loser.. i am fat, got big belly (oviusly) unfit, pores on face and oily nose, unmatching eyes and bum, rough lips, funny hair, dont know how to dress up, poor studies, no good socializing, 0 sports, my life sucks. i wanna change, i neva though i would say this but YESS!!! I M IN LOVE*for the first time in my life* and i am pretty sure that this wont get me her..

Me and my boyfriend were making out and then...?

So i went round my boyfriends house on sunday and i met his parents and they suggested that we went out for a walk so we did. Everything was fine and then he took me to the forest, I thought that this was a romantic thing to do, we found a really nice spot to sit down and we were just talking, then we started making out (laying down), he then started touching my bum and put his hand down my jeans, I was fine with this and did the same to him, then he started touching my vagina (with my jeans on top) then he undid my jeans and started sort of fingering me but he didn't go inside. Do you think that this was right for me to let him do this? By the way we are both 15 :)

ACT Composite Score 36, but bad essay score? Does this matter?

I got a 36 as a composite score for my ACT (36 Math, 36 Science, 35 Reading, 35 Writing), but only an 8 on my essay. How detrimental will this be when I apply to colleges in the fall (shooting for Ivy Leagues and other top colleges)? I'm definitely going into the math/science field, such as engineering, so will it have less of an impact? I was so happy when I got my composite score, but now I'm kind of bummed.

My little brother is a bum what should I do to help him?

Sorry this is long. I love him very much although hes annoying at times he's my best friend in a way and knows me/understands me better than anybody including my other best buds. The problem I have with him is he barely has concern for his looks whatsoever. Now I understand we're guys and should not be over-concerend with looks at and trying to perfect ourselves or whatever; that I get. But you should still have some pride in how you look out in public when your going somewhere. We were going to Dave and Busters and he thought he was just going to walk out in just an old school Shirt and basketball shorts. Anywhere in the house and playing outside is fine but not to Dave and Busters. How should I tell him that? How can I tell him to spend at least a little of his money on a decent shirt on sale instead of a new video game!? I wouldn't have a problem with it normally but its just at the point where sometimes I find myself having to let him borrow some of my shirts. (hollister fits a little small plus hes not much smaller than me {we're 11 months apart btw} so he can get away with it just fine) My parents have bought him lots of nice shirts for him to wear FOR SCHOOL next year he cant touch them yet. When me and my mom go to the mall he never wants to come which makes me SICK because he expects us to get him something wedon'tt know what he wants! My mom alwaysvolunteerss to buy him stuff (I have to pay for mine which is fine) but we never know what he wants+he never comes sothat'ss all his fault. I know he wont be a bum at school he'll be fresh and all but now during the summer I want him to be fresh too how can I convince him to buy a nice little shirt to go out in every once in a while. I think hes realized that he has nothing to wear and as a resultdoesn'tt want to go anywhere. Usually he'll be down for anything. Should I just have a private conversation with him man to man big brother to little brother? I have on several occasions volunteered to buy stuff for him but my parents dont allow that; they want him to use his money on him which is fine by me. So should I have a little chat with him? What should I say? Any other advice? Thanks!

My llama keeps making jumpers for me?

all of a sudden i randomey found a new jumper on my maca paca alarm clock and i asked my mum if this was hers or if she bought it me and she said she didn't than my llama was trying to communicate to me, so i found 10 new jumpers the next day and i told my mum why is she buying me new jumpers and she said she hadn't so i went to the jumpers4us store and i asked why am i getting jumpers, so then they gave me abar of soap because they thought i had problems s than i through the soap at their bum and it smashed and landed up their nostril, so then i kept awake all night and saw my llama jumpover the fece grab some grapes nand ran up my stairs than it got my knitting kit out and strarted making me a jumper and this one was a jumper of me and my llama in a relationship help me please?

How come there are mutations in all cells but only specific cells are affected by them?

Those mutations are only observed if they occur in an ACTIVE part of the cell's DNA. If there's a mutation in the gene that produces insulin, you wouldn't expect to see its effects in a skin cell...

Should I go to College or not?

Yes, it'll get you a job somewhere, college isn't only career based, it's experienced based. You can join so much research programs etc. It's quite an experience.

Wat is green slime coming from my preg dogs bum?

More than likely, she has diarrhea. Being pregnant is probably upsetting her tummy and thus resulted in diarrhea. She will be fine. Unless the problem persists, no need to be worried.

What are the advantages of sexual reproduction and meosis and the importance of crossing over? (and mutations)?

I had the same question haha! The answer is so that there is more genetic diversity within the species! Hope that helps :D

Advice for thick, heavy, unevenly wavy hair?

Personally, I think the model's hair is beautiful, and if your hair looks similar I'm sure yours does too hun. But maybe you shouldn't thin it because it comes back THICKER! You should have it shaped and professionally styled. Talk to a good stylist, and if they tell you that there's nothing they can do, talk to another one. There is always someone who will do what you need. (:

Prom questionssss ten pts. best answer.?

i'm trying to decide if i wanna wear my hair up, half up & down, or completely down for prom. my dress is all black with glitter/sequins on it, and it's a strapless. it's floor length, and dips down to the middle of my back in the back. it hugs me uptop and then kinda poofs out towards the bottom. any ideas on how i should wear my hair? i have extensions to make it down to like my breasts so my hair is kinda long. any ideas? please and thanks. ten pts. to best answer!

What should I wear over my sleeveless dress? Shall, scarf?

It's hot pink with orange accents. Sparkles on the bust. Poofs out. Pretty formal. But like, party formal? If that makes sense lol. It's for 8th grade promotion so I need something to cover my shoulders since it's sleeveless. Do people wear scarves? Shalls? Anybody got any suggestions or pictures of ideas that would look nice? Thanks!

POLL: S0ng about Monday !!! Is it good ? Im Reb Bla's friend ;)?

Monday , Monday it is such a bum day ! I really cant stand it so i stay asleep ! sleeping in bed hiding under the covers dreaming about Tuesday got to make my self up the pizza guy is here ! its monday monday not much of a fun day I try hard to work but its use use less !!! it monday Monday trying to have a fun day but Its not working wait till Tuesday ! yesterday was the weekend today is is a bum no fun mon day yesterday was fun day , fun day today it is MONDAY ! :)

How can I apply for Refugee Status in Thailand?

well, you could always start by trying to register with the UNHCR. they determine whether or not someone is an actual refugee. I doubt you'll have much luck with that, but you can always try anyway.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Senior prom. Need ideas?

So my senior prom is coming up soon. I didn't go to junior prom so this is my first and only and I want to look really good. It was kind of hard to find a dress that fit and looked good cuz i have big hips and a big bust. I decided on a strapless white one that poofs a little bit toward the bottem and is tight on top with a jewel design. I am doing my own hair and makeup so i need ideas? written or links please! thank you so much!

How do I get toned for my holiday in a week?

I'm going away next week and want to tone up my tummy/bum thighs. I love food so I don't want to diet but any ideas on how to tone quickly and effectively? Thanks!

Why can women ask men out?

That's because they have no idea what it's like to be a man they expect us to look good dress good have a good job a nice house a nice car and buy them expensive things and they expect to just look good and they think just becaus they birth children they're better than us. Women don't get that were not emotional like them cause if we were everytime we got rejected by a woman which has got to be what 50-1 we'd all kill ourselves lol

Do i call him or do i wait for him to call me (10 points)?

ok so i am 22 years old and i had broken up with my BF 2 weeks ago so my friends wanted to cheer me up so they decided to take me to a night club saturday night so that i could just let loose. i got their and i was having a good time a lot of guys started hitting on me and using cheesy pick-up lines but i politely said "no thanks" to all of them when i was thinking in my head "get away from me loser." i hate guys who think just because their hot doesnt mean a pick-up line can get a girl. so i sat down at the bar area until this guy came. he noticed i was a little bummed out, so he asked "is everything ok" i replied "im ok i broke up with my BF a few weeks ago" after that he said and i thought he was so sweet by saying this "oh im really sorry to hear that, man how is a guy that stupid to brake up with such a beautiful girl like you" after that we just started talking and having a good conversation. OMG he was so funny, and sweet, he is on the chubby side, but he was just so cute, he had a gorgeous smile. btw he is also 22. after hours of talking we gave eachother our numbers and we hugged each other. i dont wanna sound desperate, yet i wanna plan a date with him. should i wait for him to call me or should i just call him

How to make my hair curly?

i do to. but mine also looks bad. so i straighten it. and when i want to curl it i use my straightener to curl it. i couldnt find one that worked well , but i finally found this vid . it works for me and i hope it works for you.

How can I cut my hair without making it frizz out?

I have curly hair and whenever I get it cut short, it poofs out. Is there any cut that would make it not look so poofy?

Is he gay or bi and does he like me?

DUDE this is like my story repeated again. It happened to me that I met this cute guy when we were 16 and 17, one day he broke up with his girlfriend and went to my house while I was on my laptop he said he was leaving so I said: Later I cant stand cuz I have a bonner from watching porn he so he laughed and went to watch what I was playing on my laptop then he grabbed me and we start having sex. Next week he went back with her ex, I felt bad and told him but all he said 'I AM NOT GAY' so I stopped talking to him, we were really close friends so one day he came up to me accusing me of leaving him behind after promising to be there for him no matter what. ( be realistic I told him that cuz I loved him) so I explained to him the feelings I had, he just did not answer anything and started grabbing me and there we go to bed again. Next day I texted him telling him about last nite and he said that we should never do that again. Too late I was so into him. I cried for months, I failed classes, I quit my job, I went to therapy. Here I am happy been single having fun with friends, he is fine with his girlfriend and a daughter and when he gets drunk he calls me and txt me saying that he misses me. If I was given the chance to do it all over again. I would have never touched him back and I would have tell him I was gay as soon as I could, believe me you still will find many good people in your life.

Chemically straightned hair?

I want to get my hair chemically straightend I have curly poofly hair and it dosnt stay striaght I have a chi straightner and my hair poofs up right after I straighten it whether its hot cold or perfect temp outside it takes about 35 or so minutes to straighten anyways I want to get it chemically straightened I was thinking about a home kit but I'm not sure which one is good or ill go to the salon but I don't want to spend more than 100 or 150 if possible any suggestions? Has anyone had this done? What was the outcome? Any advice would be helpful thanks :)

Ideas for a dress to make?

hello, im making a dress for art class, it has to be made out of recycled materials. ive already made the dress out of braided plastic bags (on the top) and loose plastic bags (bottom). heres a link(make sure to take out the space after "Photo", for some reason, yahoo puts int he spaces, urg!): file:///Users/Elle/Desktop/Photo %20on%202011-05-16%20at%2019.11.jpg .im not sure if that will work, so heres a more detail: it had a tight, strapless top made of braided plastic poofs out just below the skinny part of the waist and goes down to above the knees. but anyway its all whitish colored and i feel like it might need some extra pop. any ideas for accesories or color or anything would be awesome, thanks!

Should I tuck my shirt in to the skirt?

so i have a blue tank top / shirt and I have a black and white skirt and its kinda poofs but its also short, would the shirt look better tucked in?

Does anyone speak DNA science? I need a translation!?

It basically just says that mutation causes a deletion of the G pair at position 507 changes the order of the order of other codons to be messed up to. DNA is made up of base pairs (thats what A,T,G, and C stand for) which code for genes when they are listed in certain orders. These codons are just blocks of base pairs that code for something. The mutation deletes one of these and messes up the reading order which is what causes problems. An example of this would be if you took the words CAT HAT RAT. the mutation deletes the T in CAT. Now you have CAH ATR AT when you read it in three word segements. obviously this is not the original message and is messed up.

What relaxer should i get? Im talking about thing you get at Walmart :D?

The only thing you can use is Olgilvie Hair straighteneer. If walmart doesn't have it you drug store should. DO NOT use the relaxer on your hair it WILL fall out.

How do i make the guys stop?!?!?!?

basically i am 14 and i get all the guys of all ages after me!!! i wear barley any make up im just natrually pretty and i dont mean to brag but i guess i have a pretty good figure for my age, and i get all the guys at school asking me out and to do rude sttuff to them, and then i get random guys of about 30 in the streets wolf-wistling at me and pinching my bum! :O im so fed up i cant go anywhere without getting aload of guys being rude and perverted! how do i make them stop??!!!!

Should I continue on with this musical?

Just stay in it. Put up with dancing and try your best. Who knows, you could actually be a good dancer if you continue and put a lot of effort into it.

Fine, Curly hair...I need help with dealing with humidity?

So I have curly hair. Its also fine. Basically, I need some way to fight the humidity because my hair frizzes and poofs whenever its humid out. If anyone knows some products to use...that would be great. Also, please dont bother telling me to straighten my hair because I dont like to do that very much! Thanks a lot

I'm tired of pony tails so what do I do?

Go to YouTube and go to the search box. Then, type CuteGirlsHairstyles all one word press enter and they have over one hundred hairdos that are super cute and easy!

POLL: Is Its monday !?! My song about Monday !! u like ? next RB ?

Monday , Monday it is such a bum day ! I really cant stand it so i stay asleep ! sleeping in bed hiding under the covers dreaming about Tuesday got to make my self up the pizza guy is here ! its monday monday not much of a fun day I try hard to work but its use use less !!! it monday Monday trying to have a fun day but Its not working wait till Tuesday ! yesterday was the weekend today is is a bum no fun mon day yesterday was fun day , fun day today it is MONDAY ! :)

Is this Narcolepsy? Or do I just have unusual sleep experiences?

Wow that's actually very interesting. I think it's probably Narcolepsy but don't take my word for it. Does anything happen right before you randomly fall asleep?

Natural curly hair for black people?

I'm a African American with natural hair. I don't have any chemicals in it and I do t want any. My hair is so many different textures. It's pouffy and curls little in the front , in the back it's so nice and curly. And on my lower sides, it's straight!! I buy curl products for my hair and it works, but my hair Poofs out Cause it air dries ! Do you think I can diffuse my hair to make it stay curly, or do you have any other techniques for me to keep my hair nice and curly? :) btw I think my hair is naturally straight

Creationists who reject evolution, why do we all look different if evolution is false?

If Adam and Eve were the only source of DNA and evolution did not occur, then we would all look identical. It's because of mutations, natural selection and isolation that we all look different so how do you explain the fact that we don't all look the same?

I need hair advice for curly hair?

i have curly hair and i want to wear it down and curly but my hair is not cooperating. ive tried scrunching it, gel, bumble and bumble curl concious cream and my hair never seems to look good. it just poofs and frizzes it has way to much volume i need help.

I have Really Think Curly hair that's frizzy & poofs up when i leave it down.I usually have up in a Ponytail?

i always have it in a ponytail and im bored of it and plus when i wash it , it gets hard to untangle. i wash my hair and put either mouse or gel on it and then the ponytail for school. i hate it and its boring ; i wanna change hairstyle pleease can u help me asap ! Thanks :)

Looking for hair advice?

First: wash your hair.. then blow dry and straighten JUST your bangs. Put some mouse in the rest of your hair.. flip your head upside down and blowdry while scrunching the hair. It'll give you a funky curly, tousled look! From the looks of your little pic tho, you're super pretty so idk WHY you'd need a booster.. but regardless, I hope this helps dear! =D

Who took the living enviornment regents June 2011?

For the dandelion i put adaptation/Mutation... The peanut one.. i wrote the person does not have enzymes to digest the peanut

My friends and family think that my boyfriend is controlling.?

my friends and family think that my boyfriend of 6 months is too controlling. my mother refers to him as my "master" and my friends question why i put up with his behavior. i am 18 years old and her is 21. the reason they think he is controlling is because he doesn't like for me to wear shorts, any shirt other than a tee shirt, high heels, or makeup. Also, he told me that i cannot have a facebook or he will leave. I cannot have male contacts in my phone that are not family. he also gets angry with me when i spend too much time with my family. BUT he has never hit me, or hurt me intentionally. he does occasionally cover my mouth with his hand when im yelling, or when i try to walk away he grabs me and will not let go until i talk to him. a few times, he has grabbed my arms and pushed me down onto the couch or bed to try to keep me from leaving, and during a few arguments he has yelled and cursed at me, calling me a *****, whore, selfish, and a slut, but i may have deserved it. i know that this kind of behavior is bad, but i adore his family, and when its just us hanging out, everything is usually great. he talks about wanting to marry me and ive even caught him looking at engagement rings. he is not a bum, and a lot of people like him. he has a full time job, just graduated from college, and gets me anything i need. I do love him, very much, so i do not want to leave him. my excuse to my friends when they ask why i am still with him is because sometime you do things, or don't do things, because the person you love is more important than the other things. am i wrong?

Could I be turning anorexic?

Get off the computer and go move! Don't sit and relax until about 2 hours before bed. Spend the whole day outside doing stuff.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What do you think of welfare bums?

who are capable of working but don't because they are waiting for you to pay taxes do they can get money and benefits from YOUR MONEY?

Why is my hair texture like this?

My hair is pretty dry and fine and when I wash it and let it dry naturally it poofs and frizzes a lot! But the poof and frizz its only the top half of my hair (like the top layers), the bottom half of my hair underneath it is really soft and shiny and smooth! Why is it like that and how can I make the top half as nice as the bottom half?

Help me i have got a big nose and i hate my girl will ever like me?

I feel like a disgrace to humanity, i cant look someone in the eyes properly because they might not take me seriously coz of my nose........i liked so many girls and some liked me too, but i was afraid to talk to them incase my nose would get in the know this wasnt even suppose to happen, this nose was like a genetic mutation in the family...........plz tell me what to do? my dreams and hopes are being shattered and WILL A GIRL EVER ACCEPT ME?

Curly Frizzy thick hair hep?

Ok i bet myfriend that this yr at camp or at a sleep over i can make her hair very nice and sleek, like mine is (i have loose curls) but i realized this is a hard challange. She has very thick hair like me but her curls or either mushed or verry very tight. When ever she straightens it it just poofs out and dosent stayclose to her head. Is there any adivice any one can offer me i want to help her.I put alot of conditioner in and brush it while in the shower then continue to brush it then put heat spray in and blow dry then straighten. Im not sure this will work on her she has a conair straightner a thin one that goes very hot and i have a thick one that goes equally as hot. PLEASE HELP THANKS SO MUCH

Can a faux hawk work for thick frizzy hair?

Ok. so obviously no one can answer for sure withou seeing my hair, but just take your best guess. My hair is thick and def frizzy. It has been short for about 6 months now so some of the curls have had time to relax. My stylist did not want to cut my hair too short, incase it became one big poof ball. But since it has time to get used to the idea..... My hair also poofs when it is humid, but the good news is that if I style it a certain way with the use of gel or whatever, it stays put. I know my hair will be frizzy no matter what I do, but I was wondering if I try a Faux hawk and be willing to put gel in it everyday, will it work? Has anyone ever seen a version of a faux hawk on someone with hair like mine? Oh oops forgot to mention, I am a girl. 23 years old.

Vermont has had single payer health care for several months now, why haven't I heard of....?

States right issue. I think it might work just fine in a tiny state like that but somewhere like California, I dont think so.

Is it normal to have a hairy bum?

im 15 and have a really hairy crack... is that normall?? also i shave my pubes around my cock which make me feel great,, and i am very horny when i do so. does anyone else get horny whislt shaving pubes??

Why did my boyfriend melt?

me and my brother and my hunk of a sexilicious boyfriend all went swimming at a pool but we grabbed some socks from netto first but after that we than went swimming at swimserszoo's and it was my fault i told my boyfriend to come in the steamroom with me so we could have a smooch and that privately and have fun but than my boyfriend started making random breathing noises and it was then he started sweating like my pig bill and i was like you sweating over me and tan he didn't reply so i punched him and then i felt liquid dropping on my boob and i thought it was my bf gregory weeing on my boob than i noticed it was this weird liquid and i looked and my bf had gone than i saw something wet where my bf was and it was his eyes in liquid i was totally scared so i called my bumblebee on the phone and asked why had he melted, so i killed my own lover and drank him the next day and ever since ive kept his eyeballs and they always look at me and sneak inside my bum i'm scared PLEASE ANSWER?

How to keep naturally curly hair from "poofing out" after dried?

you can use John Frieda ANTI- Frizz serum and Silk Therapy to Stop the poofiness.and to make it wavy u could use a flat iron but dont put to much pressure on it to make it wavy,or straiten your hair with a flat iron then wave it or you can put a little of water on your hair and comb it out and strech your hair a lite and put on some mouse then gel if you do not want to use heat. HOPE THIS HELPS ;D

How do you like my plot?

My only remark is that if two enemies are in a fight and a third common enemy appears these two united to defeat this enemy.

Would you be happier without the media?

We all have our opinions, left vs. Right, convervative vs liberal. The media has played a influential role in all our opinionns. Is it enough to bum you out? Or, does the media allow you to go through your day happier, without bias, encouraging you to go out and take on the world.

How do i get soft, shiny, smooth hair?

I have really thick hair that is pretty wavy, and poofs out when i even try to do something like straighten it. I dont blow dry because that dries it out more than anything. I dont have many split ends and not much breakage.

How does this "God created evolution" thing work, exactly?

I think for theists, with an education, it is necessary to accept theistic evolution. These people know that evolution is a fact and they believe in a god. So they have to make them compatible. I used to think that a god could have been the catalyst for life, and evolution took over. Evolution, after all, does not address the catalyst for life.

Are denim jackets associated with gays?

I havent seen many guys with denim jackets but i dont think anyone will think your gay cause you wear them. Their are guys who wear that though

My hair poofs up when it dries?

After I shower or go swimming my hair is so puffy that I have to wear it up in a ponytail. Any tips on how to flatten it out?

Should I keep my mare in stall during lightning storm, or let her have turnout?

If storms are forecasted, bring her in before they hit. If you can't get her in before the storm hits, I wouldn't go out there for fear of getting struck myself. Her behavior is fear-based. She sees her herd as her safety net.

Hairstyle suggestions~?

sounds like my hubby's hair use straight smooth & silky conditioner and shampoo and leave in treatment by Pantene or if you Can afford it Wen hair care available if you google on line also if you want to straighten it buy a good hair straightener google the best buy on them too and check out hair styles at for the latest trends for all types of hair for 2011 Hope this helps Hugs Granny M x

I found two fleas on my dog he skin is really red and sore any help?

i have a yorkie and we seen that she was scratching he bum near her tail i looked and it was really red and sore and i think i seen a little bit on blood when i looked all over her i found two fleas so we put flea stuff on her but she is still really red and sore i dont no what to do?

Does Mayweather finally make sense for once?

I don't think that this bloody thug has any brains inside his big head, so i find it impossible for him to make any sense, sorry Socrates.

What could this be on my 3yr olds bum?

Shes 3.5yrs old. She is potty trained but at night she wears a night time pullup just incase (shes a sound sleeper) Shes got these bumps that look like pimples and they wont go away. Her 2 bum checks are like covered in them and they get itchy at times. Any idea what it maybe or what i could use in them. During the day she wears underwear. Thanks

What are the causes of gene and chromosone mutation?

what are the causes of gene and chromosome mutation and how can these changes bring about evolutionary changes by the process of selection?

Who's more overrated:Kobe Bryant or Paul Pierce?

Both these players couldn't win crap w/o great supporting casts, so they just become ballhogs and pad their stats. Pierce had 2 other all stars on his team for 4 years and only won 1 title. That's sad. And Kobe has had Shaq and Gasol along with his great cast for years and benefited from that and got carried to his 5 rings. Pierce is the same deal because w/o Ray and KG, he couldn't even lead his team to the playoffs in that crap Eastern Conference, maybe once or twice but he got NOWHERE! Same with Kobe! And yet Wade and LBJ carried terrible teams to the playoffs each time, LBJ taking his bums to the Finals! LBJ and Wade >>>> Pierce and Kobe LeBron=GOAT and the Heat will dominate the league

Help on a mutation question?

Im putting a seed in the freezer then plant it and the seed can't grow fast enough for me to see the result so i would like to see the result of other people's experiment. (it can be any seed)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

LGBT: I like this guy but he's already pissing me off?? What do I do?

If your relationship manages to progress past its current state, you are still going to experience this. Right now is when people should be texting and calling like's still that fun, initial part of dating...and he's not doing it. It doesn't mean it doesn't like you, it just means he probably doesn't like texting/calling all the time and probably also likes having time to himself. If this bothers you (and it really seems it does), then you need to move on because your personalities don't jive.

Thick white liquid coming out of my guinea pig?

Hello... I've had my 2 lil boys for a few weeks now. I put them on my floor for some excersize and Jerry was sorta pushing his bum against the floor and then I saw some thick white liquid, almost like human ***, coming out... Is this normal? I've never noticed neither Ben or Jerry do this before?

How should we consider the theories of science in matters of faith?

Change is measured by taking DNA samples from organisms from the past and today. Genetic mutation is needed to survive. Lets say a bird kept on eating a specific insect. The insect was about to extinct, but then mother nature thought why don't I give this insect a shape of a leaf. The bird couldn't catch the insect easily, because the insect lived in a forest. You know forest have a lot of leafs. So, the bird couldn't tell which one was the insect. The insect lived happily ever after.

What do you think of this dress?

So I got this dress from Theory and some of you may have seen it before. I'll describe it: its strapless and ends a little above my knees. It has an empire-waist and the top part is made of black silk and then a pink (a normal pink but it almost looks like hot pink against the black of the dress) sash splits the dress into the skirt and top part. The sash is already tied in a bow at the front and I'm supposed to tie it at the back myself as well. The skirt is made of a flimsy material and it poofs out a little bit, the skirt is black with small white polka dots on it. Do you think this is a good dress? Is it weird? And would it look good against my olive skin tone?

HELP! i have curly hair... nuff said.?

So i need help, i am black and Hispanic and i have really curly hair.I like to leave my hair down I need product ideas, mostly for gel. I have tried L.A looks, La belle, Sun-silk, Biologe and Aussie ( the best so far). I don't mind my hair being crunchy, and i hate it when its poofs. I am also wondering If i should use gel. mouse, or hairspray or all 3(which brands). Once i find my perfect products i need hair style ideas. THANK YOU <3

Help! Getting haircut tomorrow! Haircut ideas?

Ok well, I'm getting my haircut tomorrow morning, or sometime like that. My hair is REALLY thick, so I'm pretty sure you're going to suggest layers. I have 1 problem though. I've had my hair short (to my chin, no shorter) and it looked weird, because my hair "poofs out" on the ends and it looks TERRIBLE. I've also grown out my hair, and it gets poofy, extremely knotted, and I don't enjoy pulling out 1/2 off my hair everyday (literally). I've had it shoulder length also, and it helps very little. If I have it extremely short, I WILL look like a boy. So can anyone tell me how I should get it cut? Oh, and my family says my hair is straight, except my ends where it poofs out and curls but not making a curl... I hope that made sense. Oh and my hair is either dirty blonde or brown, I'm not sure, it's pretty close (no stalking me please). OK so PLEASEEEEEE help and suggest before tomorrow!! :D

Has anyone been to a High Risk Specialist?

With my second we had to go to a specialist because my daughter had a single umbilical artery. They saw this during my ultrasound and sometimes the SUA can be indicative of certain trisomy disorders, like down syndrome. I had to get additional ultra-sounds where they measured different parts of the baby's body because they have found that children with down syndrome can have different measurements throughout their body, I think primarily back of neck and with the nose somewhere. I can't remember. I also had to get a fetal EKG because there could have been issues with her heart that the SUA is a sign of. I had to go back every month for a non-stress test and near the end I had to go every week and they also would do additional ultrasounds to check on amniotic fluid and make sure that the baby was moving the way she was suppose to be. After all was said and done my daughter was 100% healthy, the SUA can mean something or it can mean nothing, which I'm assuming is the case with you too seeing as your dr. told you not to worry about the baby. I was nervous too going into that whole situation because they tell you that something might be off then you have to wait to go be seen. Also be prepared for them to give you a spiel about your "options." Even though all signs pointed to my daughter being fine, the still made us see a genetic counsel via a computer screen no less, who told us about abortion. :( Which was completely unnecessary.

Is failure genetic? My mother has been a bum all of my life; does this mean I inherited her "issues"?

My mother has been a failure for a long time, for all of my life for sure and it's a long story but she is also mentally and emotionally unstable, drug addicted (heroin/methadone/pills), prone to irrational aggression, doesn't make any sense sometimes (her brain function is off), poverty stricken, divorced 3 times, pretty much dying from all her medical problems, can't quit smoking, been in prison twice, hangs out with the most low class people, she's even held signs, pan handled and been a prostitute, her appearance has seen way better days. She's only 54. She's just so negative and has such a loser mentality. I feel like I am more prone to being like this too because I am her daughter. I feel genetically screwed.

Should I tell him I'm pregnant even though he's ignoring me?

You're as much of an idiot as he is. He's a slut going around clubbing. You're going to be a murderer.

Freak australian shepherd pup?

My australian shepherd pup is 4 months old and is not fluffy at all. I've seen lab pups with longer fur. she is a pure bred so i dont know why she's not fluffy! i know females typically aren't as fluffy as the males but she is just not fluffy at all. i still love her and it's not a big deal if she never poofs out, i'm just curious, will she ever get as fluffy as a typical aussie?

What could be causing these little pimple type bumps?

Shes 3.5yrs old. She is potty trained but at night she wears a night time pullup just incase (shes a sound sleeper) Shes got these bumps that look like pimples and they wont go away. Her 2 bum checks are like covered in them and they get itchy at times. Any idea what it maybe or what i could use in them. During the day she wears underwear. Thanks

Cyanobacteria were the first photosynthetic organisms. How were they responsible for allowing higher life form?

C. They released oxygen, which first scrubbed the iron from the water (making a precipitate), then entered the atmosphere, where UV-C from the Sun made ozone. Ozone blocked UV-B. As the ozone got thicker, life with DNA could exist near the surface of the ocean and even move onto the land. UV-B damages DNA, making for cancer and mutation.

Fixing gene mutations?

I'm writing a paper on the Monoamine Oxidase A gene mutation and I was wondering if its possible to fix a gene mutation. I'm pretty in the dark when it comes to genetics. If its possible what methods are available to "fix" a mutation.

My boyfriend is mad at me how should u make him feel better?

so it all started two days ago. after graduation my friends wanted me to go to the club with them just to drink and have fun. its not my first time going to a club and i dont really dance. i thought my boyfriend was going to spend time with his family so i didnt bother on asking him. so after graduation,he texted me asking me what i was doing. i specifically told him that i might meet my girlfriends and party with them and he just replied saying "cool." of course there was something wrong. so i asked him whats wrong and he replied," i know what your girlfriends are going to do and if thats what you want to do than rather be with me then just go." i just told him that i would cancel on them and be with him but he was like no. go. so i got really ticked off cause my girlfriends were getting mad at me for cancelling so i really didnt know what to do at that point. so my friends persuaded me to go so i went with them. my boyfriend thought i was just at home sleeping. and i told him i was because i didnt want him to be having a bum night. so thats what happened. he found out i went and got soooooooooooo mad at me, which i completely understand. and i said sorry and that it was all my fault, but he just kept being so cold to me. the next day my very close guy friend (which he is like 24 years old) just wanted to take me out to eat to congratulate me for graduating. i went. my boyfriend texted me saying "what are you doing" and im never going to lie to him again so i told him where i was at, who i was with, and what i was doing. apparently he got mad because he said " after that incident happening yesterday you go out to eat with this dude and you want to meet me after you eat with him? are you serious?" so thats how that other fight started. WHAT SHOULD I DO PLEASE SOMEBODY??! he doesnt believe my apologies....

How can I get rid of ALL my dead (dirty) skin on my body?

ewwww you scratch your bum ? :/ not verry lady like but anyways... you need a good exfoliator, a real good gritty one that will remove all dead skin cells and help smoothen the new ones! go to local drug store and ask for a good exfoliator also always moisturise your full body evey day

Ok its summer and i am very bored someone help with some good tv shows or something?

ok well i am bored because its now summer time and i am wondering if there are any good shows that anyone could reccomend in my categories. Well i like lots of shows but i want to see some shows with like super powers or supernatural powers, lycanthropy included dont really like vampires though also any anime that has a good action storyline with some cool power will do fine also. It already has to be atleast in its second season or close to ending its first cause i dont want to wait ok. Please let them relate to any of these shows or animes i talk about please :) . Here are some shows that i have seen heroes, supernatural, smallville, no ordinary family, roswell, the listener, and many others. Animes are a past time favorite of mine and here is that lists. Both FMA (original/brotherhood), one piece, bleach, naruto, kekaishi, code geass, darker than black and also many others. So if you could please list down any show that you think relates to this with like some kind of cool power or mutation in it something. List them down and i will look through them and look the shows up to see if i like them or not and pick the best answer. I will be checking some times to say if anything on the list i have seen and would like to thank everyone for trying even if i cant find anytihng to watch and will keep searching. i will pick my most favorite one that has the show i like the best and give that person best answer so thanks and hope you guys can help me :D

Do different color mutations of cockatiels cost more or less?

I've been saving up for some time now, and have enough. But I'm curious as to whether certain color mutations are more expensive. I'm looking for either a normal gray or lutino, but I don't know the costs.

My mom won't let me wear this skinny jean? Girls only!?

I am 20 years old andI am a guy. It took my mom forever to accept my skinny jeans. Well this jean is a skinny boot cut jean from the girl section and she doesn't want me wearing cause she says "it looks like leggings from the legs and it makes you show off your body from the leg part and butt way too much." she says "it makes you look like a girl" This jeans are meant to show off the body plus I have a butt. When I see it in the mirror it makes me look skinny with a nice bum I guess. That is why girl jeans look good on me cause I have the lower body to pull it off plus I am really good looking. What can I do to allow my mom to let me wear my boot cut skinny jeans? Like I bought the jeans with my own money and my style is somewhat feminine. Today I was going to wear those jeans plus a nice shirt and a designed leather jacket with its zipper on one side and my jewellery like always and designed scarf. It looks really good but I can't cause she says that she won't go out with me to the mall unless I change my jeans.

Where do you get the clips for your hair that snooki poofs her hair with on jersey shore?

these are popular where i live and i cant find them at cvs or walgreens, so where can you get them. on the show, snooki has a white one.

How do I get my hair like this i am a guy?

Okay so im a girl and when i wanted to get my hair like that but calmed down a bit.. kinda like 'beachy waves' i used GHD Sea spray . You could also get a bottle with a spray lid type of thing and just put water and salt in it and spray it over your hair and let it dry naturaly. Salt makes your hair go curly.

I have crazy unmanagable hair. Help?! D:?

About the straightener I recommend the Karmin G3 Salon Pro, it heats up to 450f with temperature control, dual voltage, tourmaline ceramic plates with rounded edges which makes it great for also curling your hair. Also has a 3 year warranty. U can buy from a href="" rel="nofollow" or if you are in Canada you can buy at a href="" rel="nofollow" .Or check out the reviews at a href="" rel="nofollow" . It works pretty good with any type of hair. And I sugget Moroccan Oil for ur problem, I use Pro Naturals Moroccan Oil Hair Treatment with Heat Protector, it helps strenghten the hair that's prone to breakage, splitting or snapping off, gently smoothes the hair and form a protective mist on surface against heat damage, reduces friction from brushing, u can check it out at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a . I hope this helps.

Does human mutation rate affect established calculation of TMRCA?

recent headlines tell us human mutation rates may be 1/3rd of previous estimates; further, rates can vary from person to person by as much as 3x. On the basis of this new information, do we need to amend the established calculation of TMRCA [time to most recent common ancestor]?

I have curly hair and need advicee?

my hair is naturally curly and i want to wear it down naturally but it frizzes and poofs out. ive tried a lot of things like gel and scrunching it and not brushing it and all of it combined and ive use bumble and bumble curl concious cream and it does help.... advice?

Hi, my dog is over due?

sounds like she's going to have her pups real soon. Just leave her alone as much as possible and make sure she is comfortable. If she doesn't have them today, I woud take her into the vet tomorrow. You didn't say what breed she is, but certain breeds need to have c-sections.

Im writing a song its in the lyrics im making some money u like ?

Monday , Monday it is such a bum day ! I really cant stand it so i stay asleep ! sleeping in bed hiding under the covers dreaming about Tuesday got to make my self up the pizza guy is here ! its monday monday not much of a fun day I try hard to work but its use use less !!! it monday Monday trying to have a fun day but Its not working wait till Tuesday ! yesterday was the weekend today is is a bum no fun mon day yesterday was fun day , fun day today it is MONDAY ! :)

Best product to keep hair straight?

I have wavy hair and after 5 mins after straightening it its wavy and nasty. And in the humidity it poofs instantly. What's the best hair straightening products

I need help with a new hair style?

OK so i have been told by so many friends that i should grow my hair out i am a guy, when i try to it kinda like poofs out like a mushroom cut sorta thing. So i didn't know how to get my hair to grow out long without it poofing out.. if some one could tell me how i could do this that would help alot.. thanks so much!!!

There are red sore spot like lumps on my arm pits:(?

in my arm pits, and occasionally on my bum i have sore red sport like lumps. ive tried different deoderants but nothing works!:( they hurt to touch and often have a white head which i can pick off and have puss inside. i've been suffering from them for years now. i thought it was down to hormones but im fed up and they are making me really self conscious and making my life so stressful:( someone help me? i dont know what to do:(

Will exercising make my bum bigger or smaller ?

If you do the elliptical bike on a high resistance you will get more muscle on your butt, which makes it bigger. The more cardio you do the more fat you will burn. When I ran varsity cross country, my butt was smaller because of all of the cardio I did. Now that I reduced my mileage of running, I got more of my curves back which i enjoy. If you want to gain more on your butt do weights with a higher resistance but less repeats. If you want it smaller or just toned, do lots of repeats without weights or less heavy weights.

What to do to Thick hair to make it thinner?

My hair is so thick, that if I flat iron it, it's just a tiny bit less poofy. It's UNBELIEVABLY THICK. and I've gotten it thinned out like 2-3 times, one just a couple weeks ago. So that's not an option either. Also, when I get a layered haircut my hair poofs like crazy. I'm just wondering what type of haircut to get? for sleek, smoother, thinner hair?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is this to much like Vampire Diaries? And how do you like my plot?

I really enjoyed Vampire Diaries, and no your story doesn't sound like it at all. Most brothers don't get along for whatever reason, so it's common to find in stories, just make sure to make the brothers your own. And if the brother excepts the fact that Micah (Lovely name) is with Evelyn (Another amazing name) then they aren't at all like Damon and his brother. This sounds like a really cool story, I'd love to read it, and maybe you'd like to read mine :DD

Does this outfit sound cute?

body glitter might be a little too much. maybe go with a glitter hair spray instead! and a snooki poof is very 2 years ago. you can do a low curled side pony and make a little poof with your bangs, but don't over do it. Snooki doesn't even do her poof anymore! but other than that, everything sounds good. oh, and the leggings, try ones with lace at the ankle, they look better than the normal leggings!

Is he perving or just curious?

Basicly this guy I go to school with is all like touchy in lesson he touches my bum my boobs and up my leg and today he shoved his hand up my top

How does a mutation cause cancer?

Cancer cells started as normal cells, but their dna was altered (mutated) by something such as radiation, a carcinogenic chemical, a virus, etc. in such a way that their genes allow them to continue growing and reproducing continuously regardless of what chemical commands they receive from the body.

What are Blue Lobsters?

I just read in the news about a blue lobster that was found in Canada and is very rare. How do lobsters become blue? Is it a genetic mutation or something? Please answer.

How do i get beach waves like Blake Lively?

Naturally i have THICK straight hair, and it's so stubborn to heat and mousse, and since my hair is so thick it usually POOFS out majorly. Curlers don't usually work for me, nor does a curling iron. Blake Lively has such natural bouncy waves, is there an easier way for me to get waves like hers without it taking to much time or heat?

What size clothing gifts do you like for your new born? (Crawling Age)?

My friend just had a baby and the gift I want to get her is little long johns with a sesame character and his name personalized on the bum. Now I sort of want him to wear them when he starts crawling because I think it would be cute. I'm not sure when they start and they sell these long johns for 6, 12, 18, and 24 months. Even if it had nothing to do with the crawling how high up do you like to get clothes assuming they will grow into them quite quickly?

Proper way to comb your hair? When I do it...?

well depending on what look your going for seems like that's a little spaced out more... use a medium sized comb... (not like a small toothed or wide toothed) and comb your hair when its wet... apply some gel (not too much) to it and comb through the hair with the comb... then use like a flex spray to secure it so it doesn't end up too crunchy... hope it helped!!

If the codon AAA is changed to UAA,?

It is a gross mutation - all of the gene beyond the new stop codon is amputated. Silent mutations occur when the codon still codes for the same amino acid; frameshift mutations occur when base pair insertions or deletions cause the read frame to shift.

Who is hotter. angelina jolie or jennifer aniston?!?!?!?!?

i was just wondering who was hotter as i cannot choose. i mean angelina jolie has a great pair of **** and lips ;) but jennifer aniston has a great bum :L please leave your thoughts? :L

Should I cut my hair short?

It's really not a decision anyone can make for you. Short hair styles are cute, but long hair is more versatile. If you feel you are ready to part with your long hair, I say go for it, it's a very cute style. I personally have had short hair all my adult life, and I am in the process of growing it long. It is a very slow process with a lot of awkward stages. It is up to you in the end if the chop fits you and your lifestyle. It will ,of course, grow back if you regret it, but it takes a LOT of time.

How does natural selection remove mutation from a population?

Well, if it is a harmful mutation that causes disease or disorder, then the organisms carrying that gene die out. That means that they don't get a chance to breed and pass the harmful mutation on to future generations.

First job tomorrow but i'm scared!?

I"ve never worked and im afraid i'll screw so many times on something. I feel so stupid and plus im very forgetful like i forget almost everything and it sucks. Im 20 and for some reason im scared. Im working at subway but its a fast paced job but the problem is im a slow worker everything, even in school. Im supposed to be working the cash register tomorrow but im terrible math like so so bad so im scared about that and cooking and getting everything done quickly is gonna be even harder for me. I so stressed out right now just thinking about this. I mean what if i get yelled at because i can't complete a job on time and even doing right. I also have ADD which is problem. My parents said i have to work sooner or later but i terrified and i feel like im gonna pass out. I have social anxiety too. The say that i'm dumb, stupid, waste of time, worthless, lazy, and my brother calls me a bum and then tells me t grow up. My dad says that im irresponsible. I feel horrible about tomorrow and about myself. What do i do?

What's "acceptable" for a prom dress when it comes to simplicity?

That's actually a really good choice to do that. Choose a simple dress that looks good on you and accessorize in your own way. What you did is really smart a simple and pretty dress is good canvas so that your personalize it on your own! Hope i helped!

What shoes should i wear with this dress?

i got this really pretty dress for my semi formal, but i don't know what kind of shoes to wear with it. its blue sort of tie dye on the top, at the waist there is a navy blue ribbon w/ a bow and then its sort of poofs out and has ruffles and stuff. cant find the picture online... bought it a while ago... i was thinking of wearing like red heels or something... but i don't know...

How to get my hair straight?

I have short choppy layers in my hair. My hair is naturally curly and it makes my hair look horrible. The layers curl inwards and some outwards. The top layer looks the worst. It's really hard to straighten. When I get to the top layer it won't straighten. When i finally get it to, it poofs out and the ends flip up. I can't get it any better. I shampoo and condition. How do I get my hair to straighten? Please help.

How do make my hair shiny and soft?

My hair is Damaged and dry. On the sides it gets really poofy after i take a shower. The top of my hair is shiny and perfect but as you go down it become dryer. I barely use heat on my hair, about once every two months and i don't over wash my hair. I use moose on my hair but not a lot, it doesn't really help the frizz go down. I have wavy hair. As i said before its the sides of my hair that i have a problem with, It just poofs up.. Any advice on what i should do?

Atheists if evolution is based on species survival of the fittest and adaptation, ,?

Evolution only applies to self replicating systems with inheritable traits and variability in the mechanism that transfers the inheritable traits from one generation to the next, and only as long as this system satisfies the Markov property. Before the first organism evolution didn't apply. Abiogenesis doesn't require evolution nor does evolution apply to abiogenesis. At that point all that mattered was chemistry.

Need help, Getting into weight lifting but need advice?

I have my nutrition all planned out, so please don't provide nutrition is an answer, as I know, abs and ur body are made in the kitchen. Anyways, i'm 16, male. 5''10 tall, roughly 165 lbs. I have some belly fat, love handles, and some bum fat, its not a lot, but its still enough to cover my abs. I am now a member at the gym, I was thinking of going there everyday, lifting for 2 muscle groups, run for 20 mins, and shoot some hoops. My goal is to lose this last 10 pounds and get a nice, lean physique, is this what I should be doing? Also how many reps should I be doing to get lean and ripped, but not huge, if you know what im saying?I wanna get toned up fast Also, what are good workouts, or links for workouts I can do? thanks

Recurrent acute pancreatitis, please help!!!!!?

MY daughter will be two years old soon. She has had seven cases of acute pancreatitis. SInce her last episode she has had more sensitivity to food and her poop has never been normal. It is always stinky, greasy, bright green, or pale yellow-gray, and is always fairly loose. We have not had her tested yet for chronic pancreatitis and I've done some research on my own, but I can't seem to come up with clear cut answers as to whether or not her pancreas has sustained damage. The reason we have not yet taken her to the doc to get tested is that we will be moving soon and I can't decided if I should go now or just wait until we are moved. Also I asked a doctor what her prognosis is and he completely skirted by the issue. I can handle the truth and I need some answers if you have them or websites that I can visit to find out more. How long will she likely live if she has already progressed to chronic pancreatitis before the age of 2? Fyi, the reasons for her condition are two genetic mutations of her CFTR that are BOTH linked to pancreatitis. I feel like this may be a losing battle but I am trying as hard as I can with diet modifications to prevent any more problems. One last thing I would like to know is if there are any really good websites on what not to eat and what to eat when suffering from chronic pancreatitis. I just recently realized that the fortified orange juice I was giving her was not good because of how acidic it is. The more I learn the more I realize that I'm probably missing out on vital information for this condition. Thanks for your help!

What can I buy to get my hair straightened?

i don't have a hair straightener and I've heard about chemicals to straighten hair and relaxers to straighten hair but i don't know what would be best because my hair is both wavy and curly and poofs up when it gets long and thats what i want long hair but not going up but down can someone help me please

Does she really like me, Im so confused :( ?

This is lengthy but i'll try to keep it short as possible. Alright I met this girl 2 years ago, the first year I had an extreme crush on her, but come this year we started talking "A LOT" every day. thousands and thousands of text a week, and collected hundreds of hours over the phone with her. She knew how I felt for her very yearly on of this year. And she told me she really liked me, However she didn't wanna start dating right now. Well, being the gentle-man I am, I respected her decision and gave her some time. Well it's been 10 months of hearing the same thing over and over again. With ever changing reasons. To be quite honest I have fallen madly in love with this girl. to the point I hate looking at other girls, because I feel guilty or something. And I think about her night and day!! "NON-LUSTFULLY" I have shared and opened my heart to her many of times, and let her know I love her everyday. " I try to keep it less creepy as possible" Anyways she tells me she is in love with me. "Yes IN-Love with me" Yet in all this time of flirting and talking, she still doesn't want to date me? If she loved me like she says she does, she wouldn't care about these stupid, useless reason not to date, and would just give me a chance right? Recently I got an "unknown" friend to do some questioning for me. One of the questions was "Why do you like being single"? Her response to him was: Because I like it that way.Me and another buddy pondered over this for a few hours. We came to the conclusion she said this because she likes the attention of being single. We think this because, guys flirt with her left and right. (she tells me about it and follows with " Yea, I don't like him" and starts flirting with me again.. until she brings up some new band she likes with a sexy singer or new movie with yet another sexy actor. Friends tell me to date other people, and I did try this about 5 months ago. However I couldn't do it, because the whole time I was thinking about her. I later told her about the date, and ever since she acts like she hates the girl. same way with any girl that talks to me. So I don't even talk to other girls for her, yet she can talk to other guys and flirt with them. And believe me..there is a lot of them. I don't know if it helps but I'll share a little about myself. I have always been single, I have been asked out and chased after girls, but never accepted there hearts. I never found myself attractive to them or enjoyed being around them. For the longest time I thought I was aromantic, until I met this girl. Yes this means I have never kissed a girl, or ever had sexual encounters with anyone or feelings. In my life time I gone through many hardships that were the cause of women. All the male role models in my life have been drove insane and been put through pain because of women. Suicides did happen... My mother was a crack addict , and never gave interest in me and put me down a lot, threatening to kill me, and send me away meany times, and would tell me i'd grow up to be a wife beater and a useless bum. these things were told to me at the ages 6 through 15. So I not only did i not find women attractive, but didn't trust or like them at all. I thought about being gay once, but I don't find man attractive either. and my religion "Christianity" Frowns on it. <- though if I liked men, I wouldn't care, I'd go gay. But I don't. Anyways "off-topic" This girl has changed everything for me, I don't feel like a freak anymore, and finally I feel like I can open my heart to someone. But with this knew found feeling of "love" which I now know a thousand different definitions for, has come this pain. It's unbearable :'( I have never cryed for a girl until this one, never been so jealous, never been so willing to do anything to win someones heart until her. And I just don't know what to do or who to ask or where to turn. Can someone please help me, i am at the end of my rope here. If you would like more details to better answer my question PLEASE PLEASE email me! Thank you so much for reading this far, even if you don't answer my question, it feels better that someone this. (p.s: I have talked to her about how I love her and wanna be with her, and about my jealousy, and pain. Nothing seemed to change.)

What does all this mean, is he into me?

Okay last night I went to my best friends bday party. We were watching movies all night and her brother came downstairs and started watching the movies with us. Well I was sitting in the center of the couch and my other friend sat beside me. Well my bffs bro came and sat by me,and was putting his head on my lap! I wasnt to freaked about it but when that movie ended i got up to go lay on the floor next to everyone else, and he followed me! He came and layed directly beside me! He kept getting closer and closer until ther was no space in between us. He then rubs his leg and foot against mine.(we were all laying on our stomachs) So he then rubs his hand against my side and arm. Then he plays with my hand for a minute then holds it! He takes our hands and puts them kinda under his chest so he's laying on them. My friend then calls me over to where she is sitting,so we let go. I go back to where i was laying and he grabs my hand again. And we are hideing it because we dont want the others to know! I go talk to other people again but then me him and my best friend(his sis) are the only ones awake. So i go and sit in the chair thats really big for one person but small for two ppl. My bff comes and sits on the stool/leg rest thing in front of the chair. So he then comes up and sits right next to me!!! There is again no space between us! He puts his blanket over me and him, and immediatly holds my hand! After a while he lets go, but with the same hand puts it around my waist lower back. With the other hand he hold my hand again. He lets go after a while and puts his arm over my stomach to latch with his other arm/hand. We laid like this for a while watching tv,and him occasionally putting his head on my shoulder. We switched from holding hands to this for a while like an hour i would say! It was SO sweet! He then starts brushing my face with his hand so i knew he was about to kiss me, he slowly turns my head but i didnt want to go that far yet since i just met him last night. So i just shook my head no and he said okay and was totally cool with it but i think he was kinda bummed out. So he just held my hand and kissed my hand! Then cuddled for a while till their dad got home! He jumped up and sat on the ground next to where the chair was. Their dad went upstairs and my bffs bro was going to goto bed so he said goodnight to his sister and then went behind me and kissed me on the head! It was the best night EVER but the bad thing is I have a boyfriend and ya.. What does all this mean? Does he like me? Or was it a one time thing? We just met last night is the weird thing!!!

Why is a loss of genes considered an example of evolution?

It depends on which gene specifically is being lost. That gene could code for a negative trait and it would make sense to get rid of it. Like the article says(para 4), "we also know that most of the genes were not important for survival because they were lost." There's another reason for evolution to get rid of certain genes. Also(para 5), "If this happens, it won't be the end of males. Instead, a new pair of non-sex chromosomes likely will start on the path to becoming sex chromosomes". The Y chromosomes may die out, but they believe a new type of sex chromosome may form. Perhaps this new sex chromosome would be superior to it's predecessor.

NEED HELP ON HAIR ! help asap !?

i hate it whenever i getout of the shower dry my hair its always fizzy ! like its gross and poofs up i dont have curly hair its a little bit wavy it was deadstraight now its gone ew, how can i treat it good and make it not fizzy and ew, i do straighten my hair but only because of whenever i wash it it goes gross, any help ?

Is my cat stressed? Please help.?

She seems to get scared from loud noises. She meows like soemthings wrong every no and again. And her tail poofs up for no reason. She seems like she wants to be outside but if i let her my mom will be pissed and my kitten won't have much of a playmate. I only had her for about 3 mos and she's nine mos now. The people who sold her to me told me she was 4 mos but when i took her into the he said 7 mos. They lied about alot of other things too so i don't know if she's an outdoor cat or 100% indoor cat. Cuz if she's outdoor my mom won't let me keep her. She seems to spend her days my the gate and windows. If she's stressed how can i know and calm her and help relieve her stress pls help cuz its making me stresse

How many times a day is it normal to have a poo and wot can cause ur bum to bleed?

This is a lot. And blood is never a good sign. It could be as simple as hemorrhoids or it could be that he has an ulcer. I really don't know on this one.

Monday, July 18, 2011

In a substitution mutation, a ATA is changed to ATT what effect would this have on the resulting protein?

If this codon is in an translated region of the gene, and you are reading the coding in the direction of translation, both ATA and ATT code for isoleucine. So the protein would be pretty much the same.

How can I scrunch my hair over and in the morning easily?

my hair is pretty straight, but i has a slight wave too it. i would like to scrunch my hair more often, but i can never get it to hold and it has A LOT of volume when i do it. my hair just poofs out but it's flat on the top of my head...please help me, and i would love answers of how to do it in the morning and night, and if you could possibly do it step my step and be specific on what products you use, thank you

I think I have bum problems?

I am 13 and for a few years now I have suffered from light bleeding when I go the toilet for a poo. I think I was wiping too hard which caused slight bright red blood to appear, but since I recently starting wiping a lot softer it has stopped. Should I go the doctor to check everything is ok even though it has stopped now? Also, I seem to have a small lump each side of my bum hole when I'm wiping which I noticed recently; is this normal and I just haven't noticed before?

Which statement regarding this sperm cell is not correct?

3- the mitochondria that provides the cell with energy are located in the nucleus, which is located in the head. This is why 4 is correct, because the dna is located here and it can mutate :)

Curly, poofy, thick hair?

if your a guy then just use some moose to calm it down, if your a girl then just striahgten it. and condition it every day or it will dry up and tangle and stuff. good luck!

Why do I feel lazy to fix myself up?

I love looking nice. Fixing my hair and applying makeup on. I get alot of compliments when Iam fixed up, but sometimes I don't feel the need to do anything. I get lazy. I Shower every day but I let my hair air dry and I usually won't straighten it unless I'm going out to look nice ( like a night out or a family event) So if I'm going to the store real quick or going shopping I normally just shower, get dressed and leave. This all would be fine except that my hair poofs up when it dries naturally so I look dirty unless my hair is straightened. When I'm at home I dont fix myself up and am not usually dressed to go out (basketball shorts, simple tank top) so if someone happens to stop by I look trashy. I notice that if I go out I always run into people and they always look nice! I feel embarrassed! And if I have ever stopped by at a friends house they always look decent! I don't do my hair unless it's absolutely necessary cuz it damages easily so I think about the concequences and dont do anything to it. What are ways to motivate myself to just straighten it anyways? Why does everyone else look good all the time?

Cells regenerating slowly after 2nd chemo with Leukemia?

My husband (32 yrs old) has AML. He has normal karyotype, has NPM1 and FLT3-TKD mutations. Doctrs decided not to do Bone Marrow transplant unless he relapses in the future. After 1st chemo, cells regenerated very fast and tests were showing slightly NPM1 mutations and no FLT3-TKD ones. Now after the 2nd treatment, doctors said he will get to go home only for like 2 days (unlike last time which was 6 days) to start the next chemo and do next bone marrow test. His chemo ended like 19 days ago and today he had to receive blood transfusions. Is this a bad sign of the illness?

I am trying to find a site that has step by step guide to doing hairstyles, does anyone know of one?

I never really kept up on recent hairstyles and now since I have more free time to get ready in the mornings. I see alot of stuff with bobby pins these days and I'm hoping to find a site that has visual and written instructions. I like the "poofs" and curls and just really noticable hair.

How to Lose weight fast!!?

Losing weight has lots of myths and round about ways, but long story cut short, you get fat by overeating and underexcersizing so simply the only way to lose weight is to eat less and do more. Diets only work as they limit the income to a body so without dieting, cut out all junk food and eat less and do more. Trust me, It works! Hope it works for you.

Are bantam chickens a different species of chicken or something else?

im confused so all chickens are descended from Jungle fowl , and there is different variaties such as the Araucana,Leghorn just to name a few they all from a certain area on earth but they also come in dwarf form . is a bantam chicken a hybrid of a chicken like bird and also half of a chicken breed or mutation in its genes ??

I have waist length hair, after i take a shower, it poofs?

So yeah, I have waist length medium thick hair, and after I take a shower, I put in few products, then I brush it and braid it. If I don't braid it, it poofs. Any thing you can reccommend?

Tdoes anyone have any ideas for making something out of bath poofs that come apart?

after a while these poofs unwind and there is this long peice. i was wondering if something can be made from them. any ideas ? thanx a bunch.

Biking a good fat burner?

Nothing helps you lose fat in particular areas. Exercising and eating right will help. I would mix it up though. If you bike ride all the time your going to grow the muscles in your thighs a bit. You should try hiking and kayaking too. Those are fun ways to mix it up and you can bring friends along with you.

How do I make a Gemini guy notice me?

I don't know you or the guy, but my experience with Gemini's always end up with us being bored with each other. If he's ignoring your calls/texts then he just doesn't want to talk to you yet. Gemini's tend to only feel interested when talking about themselves or feel really bored when they aren't doing most of the talking. But basically if someone is ignoring you they aren't worth it. trust me

Can you go put bottomless when it's really hot?

obviously wear pants underneath and wear a top that gos past my bum or is that to naked? I'm a 18 year old girl

Senior prom just around the corner. Help!?

So my senior prom is coming up soon. I didn't go to junior prom so this is my first and only and I want to look really good. It was kind of hard to find a dress that fit and looked good cuz i have big hips and a big bust. I decided on a strapless white one that poofs a little bit toward the bottem and is tight on top with a jewel design. I am doing my own hair and makeup so i need ideas? written or links please! thank you so much!

If your taller than your Dad, where did you get your height from...still Dad?

I'm just wondering because im 6'2" and my Dad is around 5'11 ish, now before when people used to say "whoa where did you get your height from" i'd say my Dad until someone said "but your taller than your Dad", now im thinking if your taller than your Dad where did you get your height from? Could you still have got it from your Dad if your taller than him? My mum is around 5'4 and my sister is 5'11, also i know not all kids are exactly the same size as there parents, in fact that's rare, in a family of alot of kids the girls are never really always the same height as the mum and the boys the Dad, sometimes they can be taller or shorter that each parent, so where do they get there height, could it be a genetic mutation or is it just genetics i guess?

How do we know that apes came first, maybe apes came from humans?

The fossil record. There are lots of fossils of nonhuman apes that are older than any fossils of humans.

Is thin hair easy to tame?

I am getting my hair cut tomorrow and I have uncontrollable thick, curly, frizzy hair. It is so bad I can't wear it down because it poofs out a lot. Is thinning it out gonna be the best thing for my hair? I hear thin hair is easy to control

HELP! advice and words of encouragement please?

im 19 and im really trying to get noticeably toned in 2 months... i HATE the way i look at the moment (my bum is the worst) and find it quite embarrassing which puts strain on my relationship. I really dont know how to do it though and although it sounds stupid, im scared nothings going to work for me. So if anyone has tried this and succeeded please let me know or if you have any words of encouragement... Thankyou xx

Can someone tab this bass line for me?

You'd have to be offering allot more than 10 yahoo points for tabs.It took me over a week to put together the tabs for my thunder road cover,I had a quick search and found some guitar tabs for the song but no bass tabs.What I would do is listen to the song,find out what single bass note fits in each bar,then keep listening to each section over and over until you can work out the more complex bits for yourself.A good start would be to find out the chords for the song as the bass line will consist of the notes in that chord,then all that's left for you to do is work out which ones fit best.Sorry I couldn't answer the question directly but I hope I have been able to help you a little bit at least.

Why are some tigers white?

It is a mutation. There are also white bison, elephants and gorillas. I don't think white tigers are actually albinos. The ones I remember seeing had blue eyes. The eyes of albinos are pink. The white tiger simply lacks the genes for yellow fur. Tigers ambush prey by hiding in long grass and pouncing on the prey after it has walked past. They have yellow fur to match the color of dried grass. A white tiger would be more conspicuous and would have a harder time catching prey. This is why most tigers are not white.

Jersey Shore Day for spirit week. Which girl should I be?

Well since your tall I would be jwoww :) wear ripped trashy jeans a really low cute sexy top heels a push up bra or two to give you jwoww boobs loads of bronzer false eye lashes black mascara nude lipstick ( try so pearly by maybelline color sensational) black eyeliner as for hair long and straight and if your hairs not dark wear a black wig then huuuge hoop earnings as for how to act you got to have your jersey accent and fist pummmp! Have fun<3

Creationism and Evolution?

Interesting article but I've heard so much obviously misleading psuedo-science from creationists I'm skeptical of what they say. I'd have to research the things he's saying. I don't know much about chromosome fusion and I'm certainly not going to take his word for it over the word of 99% of the worlds most brilliant biologists.

I can grasp natural selection, but how can it possibly lead to something like an EYE?

How does a random mutation occur that begins the path toward something like an eye evolving? I just don't understand how that's possible. What would the first-generation mutation that would lead eventually to an eye be?

Whats wrong with my hair?

I'm african american and I am in the process of growing my relaxer out, so I cut my hair really short and I hate the cut because I wash it, straighten it and it will look fine..for an hour and after that, it poofs and doesn't stay straight! Its frustrating andi get tired of applying heat! Any ideas?

Reintroduction between a kitten and ferret?

Kittens are crazy! My cat chilled out a bit once he was fixed. As for your cat, I think he'll chill with age, but for now he is just a normal crazy kitten. I wouldn't tolerate him biting you though, that get really bad when they get bigger. Cat bites are the worst! To help my cat stop biting, we started using a spray bottle. It did the trick. Good luck!

Most diversity has been achieved with mechanisms acting on mutations?

This is just me trying to confirm a fact. From the first multicellular life, are we to say that biological diversity has been achieved with mechanisms like natural selection and genetic drift acting on new mutations? Humans to ants; all the result of slight mutations accumulating over half a billion years?

Girls: what does your hair look like after you took a shower?

DANG! We have the same hair gurl! I have black hair, and it has curls after it hits water. and It's hard as heck to manage. -__-

How to relieve constipation?

My little sister is having a terrible night, shes complaining on how she cannot go poop and her bum is really hurting her, its 10:42 PM at night. What can she take to help her go easily so she doesnt have the pain?

How do I make my hair not poof?

I had thick curly hair that poofed out all the time then for some reason it started falling out alot so now it's really thin well in between but it still poofs out right now it's up to my butt lol yeah it's long so how do I tame it please include hair products and home remedies thanx oh and what cause hair to be frizzy and poofy?!

First job tomorrow but i'm scared!?

I"ve never worked and im afraid i'll screw so many times on something. I feel so stupid and plus im very forgetful like i forget almost everything and it sucks. Im 20 and for some reason im scared. Im working at subway but its a fast paced job but the problem is im a slow worker everything, even in school. Im supposed to be working the cash register tomorrow but im terrible math like so so bad so im scared about that and cooking and getting everything done quickly is gonna be even harder for me. I so stressed out right now just thinking about this. I mean what if i get yelled at because i can't complete a job on time and even doing right. I also have ADD which is problem. My parents said i have to work sooner or later but i terrified and i feel like im gonna pass out. I have social anxiety too. The say that i'm dumb, stupid, waste of time, worthless, lazy, and my brother calls me a bum and then tells me t grow up. My dad says that im irresponsible. I feel horrible about tomorrow and about myself. What do i do?

How to tame long poofy hair on a guy?

my hair when short grows straight out of my head and somewhat looks like asian hair. I currently have my hair longer ( roughly 8 inches or so) and it still poofs out like crazy. It looks its best the day after I wash it or if I have worn a baseball hat for hours. I have oily skin and must wash it daily or else it looks very greasy. I have tried all sorts of frizz products, pomade, mousse, not rinsing out conditioner, etc. Any suggestions?

Why do people insist that, just because a breed isn't included in the AKC, it isn't a real breed?

Ignorance. However, those breeds were recognized by legit registries ages ago. It's the ones that want to register their jackapoodoodledoos that get me.

How can i make my hair shiny,smooth, and straight?

i have curly hair, not extreme curls but enough so it poofs out. i straighten it alot with my chi straightener . I do a good job on it and its not like i miss pieces but when i straigheten it , it looks dull and thick, when my sister straightens her hair its shiny and smooth. Some of my friends also striaghten their hair and its shiny and smooth. How can i do this to my hair ?

How can I give my hedgehog a bath?

I just got my hedgehog a few days ago but it doesn't like being held at all but it has poop on it and I wanna give it a bath but how can I with out getting hurt since it stays in a ball while I hold it and hisses and poofs up at my any suggestions

Sunday, July 17, 2011

How do I get my mom to stop sticking lollipops up my bum?

Whenever something bad happens like I light something on fire and I caused it my mom sticks a lollipop up my bum and I can't get it out til I use the bathroom.

What does this mean?!?!?

Okay so i right handed...but i play the left handed guitar...and my dad is left handed...but plays the right handed guitar...does that mean im ambedextrious or a freakshow. My doc said its possible it may be a genetic mutation in my hands and arms where i may have unmatched musceles that function improperly. But what is that. What am i??????

Is this mutation or genetic deformity?

my friend has at the bottom of her eyes greenish gray color.the rest of her eye is brown.and im wondering why is it like that?does anybody think they know why.(im just curious)

Guys is this embarrassing...? *mature only*?

Guys is it embarrassing when you c** really quickly during sex? Tonight after only 15 minutes my boyfriend stopped and pulled out and said "wow I feel like a bum, I didn't even last." Was he embarrassed? Is this embarrassing to guys?

Hair problem with frizzing?

So I wash my hair every two days or so and I always blow dry it and put some anti frizz stuff in it. When I blow dry my hair it's all perfectly straight and fine but as the day goes on half of my hair gets curly and wavy and all crazy looking. No matter what i do it gets like that and when it's even a bit humid my hair just poofs up and there anything you I could do to take care of this problem and keep it straight.

My dog nurses on a teddy bear. Is this a sign of anything?

It's completely normal. There is no one cause for the behavior, but I've owned and worked with TONS of dogs who do this. My male Doberman makes me Doberlace from his blankets and "nurses" on all his stuffed toys. My female Pit does the same, we never leave important blankets, sheets etc. around her because she "nurses" holes all through them.

Products to control humid hair?

As spring begins and summer approaches, I like to straighten my hair. But due to the humidity, it poofs up once I step outside. Prom is coming up and I know there will be a tons of dancing and sweating, so I know my hair will poof. What products can be use, along with a flat iron to keep my hair flat and poof-free

How does this "God created evolution" thing work, exactly?

"doesn't it point to a cruel god, looking at the results of evolution" => either cruel, or a powerless God who cannot stop this brutality going on in the world. That's why you'll never hear me say God is loving + all powerful, cuz he just can't.

Question about post secondary education?

I would recommend going into journalism, rather than history or English because your job prospects will be better. journalism at Ryerson would be well worth looking into because they may be able to set you up with an internship or coop placement. the road ahead is difficult for those who, like myself, study arts or social sciences at university. Our tuition is very high compared to our earning potential with those degrees. These days you will very likely need to go to a postgraduate program as well, in journalism, business, teaching, etc. having a decent apartment in Montreal and a good standard of life would be easier if you went into business, engineering or science for your undergrad.

How to tone up fast and get abs? teen fat loss help?

I'm a 16 year old GUY, 165 lbs, 5'10 tall. I have some belly fat, love handles, and a bit of bum fat. Other then that, I'm really not fat, I'm pretty slim, but I don't look the best when I take my shirt off coz i have no muscle in my chest and abs, just some fat. WHat can I do to achieve a nice, toned, lean look? not huge, but toned and lean. What do I need to do, I have access to a gym, and I plan on going every other day, but don't know what to do there to achieve a lean ripped toned look. On the days where I don't go to the gym, I'm going to do the Spartacus Workout from mens health

What are the 2 main types of mutations in causing cancer?

thrid eye ball and icemans mutation could probably cause cancer. Along with rouge, beast, gambit, nightcrawler, mystique, and giant tumor growths on your balls.

I want him to stop ! what do I do ? (Long)?

My ex is scaring me so much and not sure what to do. He touches me anywhere he can when he gets the chance. He is in every single lesson with me even p.e and he thinks he can get away with it all. In p.e he tries to sneak into the changing rooms and today after work skills I stayed behind to sort my books out and he walked up to me and tried to kiss me but only manage to kiss my hair... he then went right up close to me so we were touching and he was holding me and his mates were behind him laughing and they told me they dared him to do it but he does this alot. Sometimes he grabs my bum and my boobs when he gets the chance. I really can't take much more of this. I suffer from depression,anxiety and paranoia and I had eating disorder in the past so this is really not helping me. I told him no so many times but he doesn't seem to hear me and all of you may think this is stupid but when he does these things I go so weak and I start shaking so I don't find the strength to push him off. Also today my teacher witnessed something but all he did was say "don't speak like that" this was after he touched me up and he said how he wanting to s***g me but teacher overheard him. I don't get why he seems to do these things to me without teacher even knowing?! In P.e he kept grabbing my bum and no one seem to noticed? I want to tell my mum but I know for a fact she will laugh in my face and yell at me for being a wimp. If I tell a teacher they will end up ringing my parents anyway to let them know. I am alone here :/ I just need some advice on how to stop him before something else happens. I am 15 he is 14.. he is quite big and like I said I had eating disorder in the past so I am not the strongest.

My hair is all frizzy, poofy,and wavey.. i have try to straighten it but it only ruins it.Any EASY hairstyles?

I have frizzed out hair that poofs up when it dries or if its brushed. i have side bangs and i cant tame it.When i straighten it it kills my hair and i've tried thinning it and it worsened. Are there any EASY, cute hairstyles?

Which of the following types of genetic change is least likely to be found in an oncogene in a tumor?

Mutation in a promoter region because this may prevent oncogene activation, and a couple of oncogenes are generally activated (protooncogenes) in cancer cells.

How will I stop him doing this without causing family problems?

i would press charges on him for doing that, thats abuse, and if you dont get him out of there social services could take him away if someone complains so id have your uncle taken away so that dont happen, and i wouldnt worry about your family, they dont seem to care cause theyre letting him do it

Why does itunes have to be such a pain in the bum???!!!?

Why on earth can't i just simply transfer music to my iphone? What is with this big production just to get music on it? I have had my iphone for about a year and have less than 10 songs on it because of the enourmous pain in the a-s-s- it is to get music on it. What is with all this synching? Well no, itunes, I didn't want you to spend the next 4 HOURS of my life copying (why???) all of the apps that are on my phone onto the computer. All I want is to drag and drop a song I downloaded on amazon. WTF?

Would you say that men go through the following stages when it comes to wanting to marry?

I think you're just describing yourself. Plenty of men I know hit around 30 and want to marry, when they've been having less serious relationships up until their mid-twenties or so. (So actually, the reverse of what you're saying.)

Biology Regents 2011 answers?

the last one the answer is explosion nothin with the chemical-i checked the answer sheet after,the plant cell was cell,wallthe boy looking like father i wrote the mothers is internal like blood and stuff. the coral was both positive what was the one with the deer?? i wrote parasite and predator is that right???? the antibiotics one i wrote take it for as long as said dont stop in middle, and make new stronger antibiotics. estrogen was receptors or somthing what was the one with the small leaf and big leaf?

HELP!!! Coarse Poofy Thick hair problems?

Okay i have EXTREMELY thick and coarse hair. And I dont know what to do with it! The only thing that tames it is flat ironing it. And i know that flat ironing it is bad for your hair and my hair was dry before i started straitening it. btw after i started flat ironing it, it becamse sort of wavy and even poofier. I want to find some way that doesnt use heat in which i can tame this mess. When i dont flat iron it, it looks ridiculous. It poofs out to my shoulders and its coarse and not nice to feel. I cant whip it into a ponytail either because it looks retarded because its so HUGE. I've tried de frizz stuff and different products. They dont seem to do anything. help what do i do? its a medium length it comes to the middle of my shoulder blades.

How to deal with poofy, wavy hair?

Don't brush your hair when it is dry or drying, this will only make it poofier. If you want to have it wavy, get a mousse or styling gel (I like herbal essences tousle me softly or the suave curling mousse). If you blowdry your hair, get a diffuser attachment for your blowdrier and only dry your hair about halfway, then let it airdry the rest of the way.

How to clip bangs back???????????

I want a way to clip my bangs back because they look weird when i just let them stay back with out a clip or something...and they look bad in POOFS and is there any other??? thanks!!! :)

Dilemmas and decisions...wtd?

screw it. even though she is your mother she has never acted like it. possibly if she sees that you wont give in to her like you always do she will maybe open up. she will only hurt you and possibly your daughter. i would cut all contact with her until she learns to stop acting like a *****. she needs to go take classes or something

Is there a TV series similar to 10 things I hate about you?

i just finished the 1st season of the ABC sitcom 10 Things I Hate About You in a day and i loved it, but i'm sooo bummed that the show was cancelled and that there isn't a 2nd or 3rd season. is there another TV series that is similar to it? i'm trying to find good shows that involve humor and lots of romance. ;) i'm going to be bed-ridden for a couple of weeks due to an illness, and until then, I really want to watch some cheesy romance shows. no soap operas though. ;) any suggestions? thank you in advance!

Why is Soccer such a poofs sport and why is Rugby League Just such the Best game In the WORLD?

Rugby is for *******. Soccer is the world's game, American football is better than rugby by the way.

Black bordered Foreign MTG Copyright 1996?

I have a black bordered Japanese Unstable Mutation with no edition symbol and a copyright of 1996. Anyone have any idea what edition this would be considered. I know that 4th and revised were both white bordered. The only other set that the card was issued in was Arabian Nights and Timeshifted, which it is not. Any additional info would be appreciated.

What's the Difference Between A Brazilian Blowout and a Straight Perm?

I have medium-thick asian hair.its half way down my back. It is all straight except this one part below my neck where it poofs out then is straight again. Its wavy i guess. I might get it straghit but whats the diff between a brazilian blowout and a straight perm? Is it safe, will it kill my hair, etc. Thankssss(: and the costt.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ways to make your hair grow faster?

Stay away from heat products. Don't wash your hair every day. Have a healthy diet. Sleep for at least 8 hours a day. make sure you have no dead ends. Otherwise your hair will split, slowly rip off and your hair will never grow. And try not to brush your hair more then twice a day.

Different ways of styling wet hair?

I'm a swimmer. We practice everyday in the mornings before school. I have to wear my hair to school everyday wet. I hate it. My hair is naturally wavy but sometimes it gets really curly. I guess you could say it is a pretty wave but it poofs! I have tried moose and all that jazz but i guess since my hair is always in chlorine it doesn't work anymore. I'm tired of always wearing it the same way. I do two little swirls on the side of my head and leave it down. I wanted to know if there were other ways to style my type of hair while it is wet.

Arctic Monkeys best songs? ?

i got 'fluorescent adolescent' on my phone in july '09 and its been my ringtone and my favourite song ever since, and i learnt it obsessively on bass

Whi isn't natural selection, genetic drift, mutation, and gene flow part of creationism?

Creationism is about those first six days, and usually includes the flood theory because the earth has obviously changed since then. The natural selection, genetic drift, mutation and gene flow we see today are understood to have been taking place for at least the few thousand years that the rate of our shrinking sun allows as reasonable, but that and the expanding orbit of the moon (reducing the tides), extrapolated backwards, simply does not allow enough time on a habitable earth for the introduction of new species.

I am an asian male that has "hard" hair. I'm trying to grow out my hair and it "stabs" me in the face?

Is this normal with some asian people? It seems like most asian people have soft hair that doesn't itch their face at all. When I cut it short it poofs out like a straight 'fro :(.

Do i call him or do i wait for him to call me (10 points)?

ok so i am 22 years old and i had broken up with my BF 2 weeks ago so my friends wanted to cheer me up so they decided to take me to a night club saturday night so that i could just let loose. i got their and i was having a good time a lot of guys started hitting on me and using cheesy pick-up lines but i politely said "no thanks" to all of them when i was thinking in my head "get away from me loser." i hate guys who think just because their hot doesnt mean a pick-up line can get a girl. so i sat down at the bar area until this guy came. he noticed i was a little bummed out, so he asked "is everything ok" i replied "im ok i broke up with my BF a few weeks ago" after that he said and i thought he was so sweet by saying this "oh im really sorry to hear that, man how is a guy that stupid to brake up with such a beautiful girl like you" after that we just started talking and having a good conversation. OMG he was so funny, and sweet, he is on the chubby side, but he was just so cute, he had a gorgeous smile. btw he is also 22. after hours of talking we gave eachother our numbers and we hugged each other. i dont wanna sound desperate, yet i wanna plan a date with him. should i wait for him to call me or should i just call him

How to go from Ugly to Beautiful?

First of all go on a diet , don't take it too far though . Just eat right you don't need that much money to eat right , go to a grocery store and buy fruits and vegetables not only will it make you fit but get rid of your acne . Eating fruits and veg. gives alot of vitamins which makes acne go away . Buy DEODERANT to stop sweating like a man .Wear a rubber band and every time you have an urge to bite your nails flick yourself with it or put on nail polish . And make sure you brush your teeth twice a day and FLOSS .(; good luck

What shampoo should I use?

I have VERY thick hair, and its almost to my bum. It's always frizzy and I'm looking for shiny, soft, frizz-free hair. I do get split ends frequently. Please don't tell me to use many products because I've heard that so many products do more damage than good. Please help me! (I've tried a tbs of olive oil with almost no success. Should I use more?)

I have a college professor & im giving her a thank you card..what should I include?

no its not weird. write down how you feel in the card, give your number and also ask if you want to have dinner with her sometime.

Advice needed, my cousin recently came out as 'gay' last month and his brother keeps calling him a? 'poof' considered a horrible insult, i tell him he should not be so shallow and to stop being so rude and why must he keep calling gay people 'poofs'. What can i do, should i just ignore his behavior...i mean i can't let him go round calling every shirtlifter he meets a poof now can i!

Are non-specific cancers hereditary?

My father has melanoma, my mother has thyroid cancer, and my brother has testicular cancer. Even though each of these cancers do not take the same form, does it stem from the same DNA mutation? Basically, are these episodes of cancer in my family related? And how at risk am I?

Guaken Alice manga online?

So I just started reading Gauken Alice online. Love it, already bought two volumes. However, I wanted to know is it just the one scan group who does the translations from Chinese? I'm so bummed to read chapters where some pages aren't even translated. Is it possible that other English scans are available too? Thanks for the help!

How to wear my hair straight?

You should look up tutorials on youtube it helps. Or you can straighten your hair upside down so it has volume and every peice of hair is straight.. You can also striaghten it and then tease it and hairspray so it has volume. Or you can put a cute bow or clip in it.

What effect does the mutation DF 508 have on the body?

About 70% of mutations observed in Cystic Fibrosis patients result from deletion of three base pairs in CFTR's nucleotide sequence. This deletion causes loss of the amino acid phenylalanine located at position 508 in the protein; therefore, this mutation is referred to as delta F508 or DF508.

Are denim jackets associated with denim jackets?

Do what you want to do and don't live my everyone else's rules and decisions. You are an individual.

How can I get rid of my mother's so called boyfriend?

He has 4 children that he has not taken responsibility for. Not only does he sale drugs, but he snorts crack on occasion. He has no job, no money in the bank, no house. He lives and mooches off of his sister. A complete bum! It is obvious that my mom is out of her sane mind. Me and my mother are well known in our community and if she gets pregnant by him our reputations are destroyed. I really need advice on how to get through to my mother to let her know that there are many other available men who are smart and successful. She has a good job, great life and this so called boyfriend wants to take major advantage of that. Me and him also dont get along AT ALL!!!

Help for Biology :)))))))))) pleasee?

wow. Did you seriously just take a whole homework sheet and copy it down here so other people will do it for you?

Is this an easy, good hairstyle?

Ok so im a 14 year old boy and i have long thick hair, a few inches below the ears. im cutting it mainly because styling it every day is tough, and my hair is so thick it poofs out sometimes. So in your opinion, will this hairstyle be quick easy to maintain and style, and look pretty good? Opinions?

Is it better to get your hair chemically straightened or to straighten your hair daily?

i have hair that curls and frizzy and poofs out. i straighten my hair but it kills it, so i tried using gel when my hair was wet and blow drying it straight but that still didnt work for me. i really want a way to straighten my hair without killing it and i want it pin straight, but i cant seem to find a way. So, i wanted to know if chemically strtaightening your hair didnt make it look so dead and stringy as using a flat iron on your hair? helppp pleas this is really important to me :/

How can one become a vampire at birth? Please explain?

My family and I watched blade ( the tv-14 version) last night and a interesting conversation came up? My son that is 9 said " This is crazy, how is it possible for someone to be born a vampire as a baby if the birth parents are technically dead, and I was told vampires don't grow old, so wouldn't the baby vampire be a baby forever? I agree with him! He is not talking about Blade but the others in the movie that state they where born full vampire. With blade himself it is understandable (even thought it is a long stretch, when ur infected, it is suppose to kill everything in your body, but from a mutation point of view o.k) His mother was bitten when he was in the womb and he was halfway infected coming out, I guess. But I have watched other movies where vampires say they where "born" fully that way, even thought it is all science fiction and fantasy, it is just now becoming contradicting and confusing. I can understand a werewolf because at the end of the day it is still alive, and can have babies. But if there is something I am missing with this vampire thing, someone please explain it to me, because I told my son he would have a better answer than which I can give him because my logic is getting in the way. Maybe there is a part to this vampire story I have not heard yet.